St. John’s Catholic Church Baptismal Font


Indiana Limestone, (glass mosaic by others)

St. John's Baptismal Font Granite 5' x 30" x 37"
St. John’s Catholic Church Baptismal Font
5′ x 30″ x 37″

It is an honor and an obligation to make things that people are ritualistically attached to, especially such things that last for generations. It never goes unnoticed when I do this kind of work. This font was dedicated just before Christmas, 2013.  I am responsible for the granite basin and trough. The rest is the work of others. The granite design is a product of myself and the architect, Nikki.

St. John's Baptismal Font Granite 5' x 30" x 37"
St. John’s Baptismal Font
5′ x 30″ x 37″

I try to work with an architect or a client to help them get what they want, within the budget allowed. This piece is a good example of a collaborative effort of a good team. Amber did a great job on the mosaics, too.

St. John's Baptismal Font Granite 5' x 30" x 37"
St. John’s Baptismal Font
5′ x 30″ x 37″

The water constantly fills and drains at the same time., very slowly, so unless the church is empty and silent, it can’t be heard.

St. John's Baptismal Font Granite 5' x 30" x 37"
St. John’s Baptismal Font
5′ x 30″ x 37″

I greatly enjoyed the congregation dipping their fingers in as they gathered for the dedication of the church. I watched the ceremony with fascination and respect, as I am not Catholic. I was glad to be invited, glad to be there.