Category: Details, Rosettes, Ornament
Custom details, rosettes, ornament built into homes and other buildings are gifts one generation leaves for those that follow. It is a pleasure to help clients realize in hand carved stone whatever they imagine. I work from photographs from books, magazines, or life… if there is a carved stone detail or image you have always wished you could own, please send me the photo and the size you want, and let’s get ‘r dun! I work from sketches, photos, models, restoration photos… there is no “typical” in the art of carving stone as a professional. Clients and projects come in all shapes and sizes, and I am always happy to welcome every one. Ornamental details can be any scale, from custom cast bronze kitchen cupboard handles to elaborate window dressing- the imagination is the limit. If there is something you saw in a movie once and have always wanted one. Perfect. I love a good memory!
Sandstone Financial Plaque
Briar Hill Sandstone