Mason-Dixon Line Replacement Stones Posted on May 9, 2016March 9, 2017 by admin Indiana Limestone, 12″ x 12″ x 3′It was an honor to carve replacements of the three hundred year old originals, carved in England and shipped over and carried overland. Me, in the Maryland Historical Society Museum with one of the original stones carved in England and brought over to form the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania. Each stone bears a bronze plaque indicating a bit of its history. M is for Maryland; nice studio shot. And P is for Pennsylvania. One of two different crown stones, together with the chisels used to carve it. The client provided rubbings from an original as well as photographs of an original as source material. And the other crown design. Indiana Limestone, Bronze Plaque, 12″ x 12″ x 3′The installation crew, after we had stood the stones up for the dedication in the Maryland Historical Society museum.