Longaberger Master Bedroom Fireplace

Longaberger Master Bedroom Fireplace
Original Design by Dale Johnson
Kansas Limestone
6′ x 54″ x 10″

This adaptation of a classic French design is my own modification. It would have been nice to have seen the piece after the room was finished, but, alas, twas not to be. Still- I bet it looked good.

Longaberger Master Bedroom Fireplace
Original Design by Dale Johnson
Kansas Limestone
6′ x 54″ x 10″

Making things fit together correctly takes planning. These days that part is done on a computer. I learned how to do the planning with a pencil and a piece of paper well enough to hand carve a piece like this as a consequence of the planning. Still… I am jealous of what the computer masters can do. I should take a class and refresh myself.

Longaberger Master Bedroom Fireplace
Original Design by Dale Johnson
Kansas Limestone
6′ x 54″ x 10″

But… hey… I can do this. Can a computer? Close… but not quite yet.

Longaberger Master Bedroom Fireplace
Original Design by Dale Johnson
Kansas Limestone
6′ x 54″ x 10″

I love the ogee shaped hearth. The wood floor guy had a hoot about it. I’m not sure how it was resolved, as I never saw the finished room. I have neglected to take construction shots as inferior on way too many occasions and ended up with no documentation as a result… I’m glad I took these shots, construction shots though they may be. It’s still a beautiful fireplace.