Horse and Rider


Horse and Rider

This project was one of the most personal I’ve done in quite a while; it was commissioned as a gift from a close friend to her best friend.

Horse and Rider

The recipient was a cutting horse enthusiast and rider. This model was presented for approval, and after a few adjustments, was approved.

Horse and Rider

The model, after consultation with the client and her friend. The friend was suffering from brain cancer at the time, and the sculpture was a bright spot for her during a tough time.

Horse and Rider

I am enlarging the model by 400% by locating and measuring the surface of the model. Each of the dots is a point on the model I have enlarged and located in the stone.

Horse and Rider

The process is very slow, and not permissive of mistakes, but the result is an accurate enlargement, and it is a challenge every day.

Horse and Rider

My friend and client stands behind the sculpture, flanked by her friend and her friend’s son.

Horse and Rider

Installed. The ranch maintains several several horses and trainers, but only this horse gets poolside access.

Horse and Rider

Getting a stone to feel like movement was a fun challenge. I hope it brings her happiness to see all year long.

Horse and Rider

It has been an honor to be part of this beautifully thoughtful gift.